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Scientist > Prof. Dr Thomas Carell

Prof. Dr Thomas Carell

// graduated in chemistry, completing his doctorate at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research under the tutelage of Prof. Dr Dr H. A. Staab

// Following a research position in the USA, he accepted a position at ETH Zurich, setting up his own research group in the Laboratory for Organic Chemistry

// After completing his habilitation in 1999, he moved to Philipps University Marburg, followed by LMU Munich in 2004

// Prof. Carell is the director of Collaborative Research Centre 749 (Dynamic and Intermediate Molecular Transformations) and the CiPSM (Centre for Integrative Protein Science) excellence cluster

// He is the holder of the Otto Bayer Prize, the German Research Foundation's Leibniz Prize and the Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany

Contact: laborundmore@succidia.de

Extending the genetic system

Code Identified - von Prof. Dr Thomas Carell

The genetic code encodes all of the information that each cell requires ­­to function and interact correctly with its environment. The code is ­constructed from four separate molecules, known as the “canonical” Watson-Crick bases, namely: adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine. The genetic code arises from the sequence of these four bases – given ­as A, C, G and T – in the DNA double helix.