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Scientist > Bernhard Schneider

Bernhard Schneider

// joined the HOBOS team for his research in e-learning technologies

// Before that he has worked for over eleven years in Computer Sciences

// He received a M.Sc. and a diploma in business informatics at the University of Wuerzburg and the GSO University of Applied Sience in Nuernberg

// He is a frequent speaker at academic events

Contact: laborundmore@succidia.de

Learning from honeybees: live observation in the beehive

Light in the Darkness - von Prof. Dr Jürgen Tautz, Bernhard Schneider, Kristina Vonend

Inside a beehive it is warm – and utterly dark. The hive members function like a highly complex organism. Some 50,000 individuals live cheek-by-jowl and yet still have room to move. Thanks to the ingenious division of labour, it’s more a case of "busy as a hive" than "busy as a bee". Usually, what occurs in a beehive remains hidden from human view. Not so with HOBOS (HOneyBee Online Studies), the online research platform launched by our team....