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Scientist > Anna Dingel

Anna Dingel

is a state-certified food chemist. After studying food chemistry at the University of Bonn, she was appointed lead researcher for gas chromatography at LCI in 2010. Here, she is responsible for managing research activities within the BDSI research project “Minimization/Prevention of MOSH/MOAH in Confectionery and Savory Products”.

Contact: laborundmore@succidia.de

MOSH/MOAH food contamination

Focus on mineral oil residues - von Prof. Dr. Reinhard Matissek, Dr. Marion Raters, Anna Dingel, Julia Schnapka

Mineral oils are almost universally present in our environment. Their constituents can infiltrate foods of both plant and animal origin in many different ways. From the perspective of their chemical structure, the main compounds of interest are mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) and – to a proportionally lesser extent – mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH).