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Scientist > Dr Mark Tracy

Dr Mark Tracy

// graduated in chemistry from the University of California, Davis, obtaining his Ph.D. there in 1984

// He then worked as a chemist in the U.S. Air Force and at the California Animal Health and Food Safety (CAHFS) Laboratory System and Pickering Laboratories, Inc.

// In 2001, he began working for Dionex – since 2011 Thermo Fisher Scientific – in Sunnyvale, California, where he works in the Applications Development and New Column Development unit

Contact: laborundmore@succidia.de

Pharmaceutical counterion determination

House lights down, stage lights up - von Dr Frank Steiner, Dr Carsten Paul, Dr Mark Tracy

In contemporary practice, roughly half of all active pharmaceutical ­ingredients (APIs) are administered as salts. The use of the protonated ­or deprotonated form of the drug substance combined with the selection of counterions enables the targeted variation of key parameters, such as solubility and stability. Analysis of the corresponding counterions constitutes an essential part of the development process for new pharmaceuticals and is now an...