Prof. Stanislav N. Gorb
Prof. Stanislav N. Gorb
Prof. Stanislav N. Gorb and his team, working on projects about plant-insect interactions, visit the Nepenthes collection in the greenhouse of the Botanical Garden at the Kiel University. From left to right: Martina Baum, Elena Gorb (front row), Julia Purtov, Stanislav Gorb, Nadine Jacky (back row). Tropical pitcher plant and biomimeticsHierarchical anti-adhesive surfaces by mimiking insect traps - von Prof. Stanislav N. Gorb, Prof. Martin Steinhart
Carnivorous plants, among them tropical pitcher plants (Nepenthes spp.), have always fascinated people due to their remarkable ability to feed on animals and have constantly drawn the attention of researches as soon as new species were discovered. During past decades, different aspects of Nepenthes biology, among them the structure and functions of trapping organs (pitchers), particularly with respect to their trapping efficiency, have been the focus...