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Scientist > Ass. Prof. Dr. Annette Andrieu-Brunsen

Ass. Prof. Dr. Annette Andrieu-Brunsen

// studied chemistry in Marburg and completed her ­doctoral studies from 2007 to 2010 at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz

// During her doctoral research, she worked on designing swellable polymer networks for biosensors

// This was followed by a period of ­research in Buenos Aires (Argentina), where she first worked on the functionalization of ­porous materials

// This resulted in her ­burgeoning interest in polymerization reactions at the nanoscopic scale and the control of pore accessibility

// In 2011, Dr. Andrieu-Brunsen ­accepted the post of Associate Professor of Chemistry at TU Darmstadt, where she now heads the "Smart Membranes" research group

// In December last year, Dr. Andrieu-Brunsen also received the Adolf Messer Prize – TU Darmstadt's most highly-endowed prize for science – for her research project investigating the nanoscale control of chemical reactions on ceramic membranes

Contact: laborundmore@succidia.de

Using functional polymers in porous structures for transport control

Switchable nanochannels - von Ass. Prof. Dr. Annette Andrieu-Brunsen

Can molecular transport be controlled by nanoscale pores? In both human technology and Nature, many transport and separation processes are based on pores and porous materials. If transport needs to be time-controlled and separation based not merely on size, it becomes necessary to combine pores of a certain size with switchable chemical functions or polymers.